2016 Arizona Chinese New Year Festival
Arizona’s premier festival celebrating the Chinese New Year returns once again to Centennial Hall; Tucson’s 7th Chinese New Year Festival held since 2010! Directed by Dr. Larry Lang, this extravaganza will feature more than 200 local, national and international artists including a renowned Peking Opera singer, Chinese instrumental soloists, Shaolin Kungfu masters and Chinese folk dancers. The Tucson Girls Chorus Also will also showcase their talents following their enthusiastically received concert tour of China in summer 2015! The Festival highlights the fusion of East and West, bringing together a spectacular variety show that should not be missed!
Join us in welcoming the “Year of the Monkey”!
FOR TICKETS CALL: (520) 626-5124
第七届亚利桑那春节晚会将于2016年1月31日(周日)在UA Centennial Hall举办。今年除了我们本地团体的精彩表演外,观众们还将欣赏到难得一见的中国艺术节目,如西北歌王,敦煌彩塑,秦兵马俑,鼓瑟筝鸣,拳武流星,以及京剧大家梅葆玖的入室弟子。。。。。歌、舞、乐、戏精彩纷呈,一年一度的中国文化年夜大餐不容错过!